Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So there's this bug going around on campus that cause exam fever...
mmmm not something i want, cause its wintertime and I had my fair share of bugs for this winter.
I mean I started the flu season even before the winter came...
So why would I want to get another bug..?

Now you see the problem with that bug is that unlike the flu or any other bugs there are treatments out there that you can use to control the symptoms but with this idiocy of a illness (yes its an illness) is that there are no medicines out there..

The symptoms of the illness is different with everyone, but my problem is not exam fever coz I haven't caught it (even though I'm almost done with the exam). Though  I think I am immune to it seeing that I have never had it in my life..  See my problem with examfever is that it had struck my fellow studymates, they stress and go on about how they prepare and stuff and that's really irritating coz I think I am prepared for the exam and then they start talking about the stuff they learnt the previous day and I just start to lose my confidence.. I go to an exam with confidence that way I dont stress and forget what I learned throughout the year. Now when these fellow students (who I would love to call some Afrikaans words that's not appropriate and refers to a woman's vagina) start with their blabbering I start stressing causing me to panic causing me to forget which will eventually lead me to failure..

 See sometimes I do try to study...
but the thing with that is I fall asleep quickly.

During my school years I was a little leech going around the hostel during exam time talking to my friends about the subject and what we have to know for the exam them teaching me the things I need to know.. (but I kinda always got in trouble with our housemother coz we were spose to sit and study in our rooms)

Then the morning before we write I would go around asking them question to help them remember better, but I was actually helping myself..

Then one sweet day we were writing Life Science (better known as biology) and  as usual I got up to my tricks the day before the exam. But while sitting there writing my brain decided to pull a fast one on me and I could not remember a single thing... all I could remember was the things my friends said about everything except what was in the exam.. I could remember the things they said were wrong but unfortunately it was not a true false questionnaire..... Then today i had a flash of deja vu as I sat there reading through my radio exam paper. But what made this different was that i could have told you exactly what day our lecturer was discussing it and what she was wearing and all that jazz but i could not get the answer I needed to write off the tip of my head.

So now I drawed the conclusion that I really should not be discussing the work before the exams....

And Studying is not a good idea...

Tot later...

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