Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Gender Based Violence

Recently I had the opportunity to learn more about a topic that involves so many of our people.
 A topic that people do not discuss... 
A topic where the victim gets blamed for something they did not ask for.
 This is a serious matter that affects our brothers and sisters and all of us as a community as a society and as a human race... 
We Need to get up, stand together adn work together in ending this miserable thing that is consuming our ccommunities...

What is GBV?
Gender-based violence (GBV) is violence that is directed against a person on the basis of gender. It constitutes a breach of the fundamental right to life, liberty, security, dignity, equality between women and men, non-discrimination and physical and mental integrity.

Gender Based Violence
Are you part of the statistics
Be a part of the solution
Statistics South Africa flags sexual offences as one of the major and most extreme worrying crime in our country.
50% of all the women in South Africa will be raped in their lifetime
25% of girls are likely to be raped before the age of 16.
More than 41% of rapes reported in SA involve children under the age of 18.
Most sexual violence offences is done by someone you know
We sit back while our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters falls victim to gender based violence.
We look the other way while our neighbours are crying out for help
We judge each other based on our sexual orientation and sexual preferences
We force our views on each others because we don't agree with their choices.
We use our sexuality to opress others and get a fake sense of power.
We teach our sons and daughters that they have different gender roles to fill.
We give our men and boys power to misuse our daughters because we teach our daughters that they are the weaker sex, we teach them that men have authority. We teach our sons that they have the right to put demands on women.
We teach our daughters at a young age that it is ok for men to hurt them, because if a boy hurts you, he likes you. We tell our daughters that domestic abuse is ok, because it means he cares!!!!!!!
We tell each other that it is a disgrace to talk about sexual abuse. We condemn each other and make excuses for the abuser: She wears short skirts,so she was asking for it.... he is a moffie thats why he was molested.
Gender based violence is an extremely worrying reality in our community.
Do not stand back!!!!!!!!!!! Get involved
Be part of the solution

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