Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What happened to survival of the fittest???

I am a firm believer in survival of the fittest, not in the whole not religious and no God way, but in the way that if you want to go somewhere great or achieve something you have to get off your arse and do it way. If you want something you have to earn it, it will not jump into your lap.

A few years back I started to watch these South African made stories and actually started liking them. <7de laan of course being on top of my list!!!!!!>
Recently however I’ve started to notice a trend in all these stories especially where court cases and social workers were concerned. I can’t remember onetime where a rich person won the support of the social workers, or the judges.
I know they are usually snobby and not that nice, but they put on a big act and pretend, but they still end up the losers. Their weaker opponents always get the verdict!!!!
I thought the aim was to make the stories as believable as possible, or am I just thinking the worst of people.
You are probably thinking what the eff is this girl on about well let me explain.
The story I was watching last night is about the Spencer family and their clan and all that jazz, somewhere in the past the woman (Kate)’s daughter was kidnapped and replaced with someone else’s daughter. After years they found out and now the Spencers have both children. Now the other child’s biological father want her., so they are in this custody battle for this child.
What is bothering me is that the social worker makes no secret of the fact that she wants the child to be with her biological father, which I get, but he his wife is dead, he goes off on mood swings, is an international cricket player so he has no stability whatsoever while this child<who’s like seven or eight> is used to living in the rich part of town in a high security house with a mother and father and the world of stability.
And then the child stopped talking from all this shocks.  What also pisses me off was that the judge saw his temper and when Mr I’m an international sport star did not get his way right away he stopped shaving, his house looked like a pigsty and I would be surprised if he even showered.
He went off on a rampage to the judge, yelling at him, getting mad and acting like a lunatic.
All while the Spencer kept their side clean (as far as the judge is concerned), but then after Biological father gave the judge a speech of “She’s all I have left” the case was done for it.
And it did not matter that the Spencer were the better options for the child; the bloody soppy story idiot got her. And his first words after he received the news…
<To a journalist who wants to make a document about the child going to her father>
“I love the 24hour access clause you added, so Chris Spencer can see every minute of it and hurt!!”
And this is not the only story it happens in!!! What happened to storylines where the characters had to be strong in life to win, not just be a pathetic sorry looking excuse for a person.
This is the examples set for our lives, be pathetic and you’ll win.
This is the norm in which our societies strive and live, the poor help the poor, they strive from their circumstances to become social workers and nurses and all that jazz just so that they can help the likes of themselves win over the Spencers of the world. And no matter how much money they have or how good they are, the underdogs will always win if a previous underdog is in control!!!

So thats my thought for today, chew it over!!!


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